Hi, my name is

Calin Laurentiu Ilie

I am an Engineering Manager

During the night, and when on pager-duty, I am also a Site Reliability Engineer. I am sharing my thoughts, opinions, and experiences on these topics to provide insight and advice to others in the field. These views are solely my own and do not represent the views of any organization I am associated with.

About Me

I am a father, husband, engineering manager and software engineer. When I am not either of those, I play basketball and I run.

When I was 15 I launched an ISP company. At 19 I moved to Denmark to pursue college.

Between 2010 and 2015 I have been working in tech startups in Copenhagen. I have been the first software developer in two startups. One of them failed, the other had a successful exit. I also started two companies myself, and learned a lot from those experiences.

In 2015 I joined Visma e-conomic as a software developer. Became a team manager in Jan 2017. In 2019 I took on the role of Head of Engineering. In 2020 I became the Director of Engineering. In 2022 I decided to work closer with the SRE and Platform teams and I became the Head of Platform and Infrastructure for Visma e-conomic.

Get in Touch

Whether you have a question, wish to challenge my views, or just want to say hi, my inbox is available.